Agile Coaching

Agile Frameworks are ubiquitious these days in the software industry as well as many other sectors. Most of the large and small tech companies use some form of Agile Framework to deliver their products and services. Whether it's SCRUM, Extreme Programming, Kanban or others, teams are able to successfully and predictably deliver value to their customers.

Many teams fail to realize the value of Agile because they don't have a solid understanding, they don't adhere to the process, or they just fool themselves into thinking they're doing Agile when in reality they are not.

Running agile teams is not just about which tools to use and which terms/acronyms are tossed around. It's about a well-tested process that has allowed many teams to completely transform the way they deliver products and services.

Agile Coaching

Agile is not a one-size-fits-all panacea. Many companies tailor the framework to fit their specific needs. We would love to coach your team on the Agile best practices, how to run the various meetings effectively (Planning, Sprint Demos, Retrospectives, Standups, etc), and create a process that will allow you to self-manage your team long term.

Let us help you find the right Agile Framework that works for your team.